ShutdownS & TA Work
Shutdown? We can help.
Let us help you keep things moving
Shutdowns happen, and when they do, we’re here to keep things moving. We care about cost and production as much as our clients do and that’s why we hold ourselves to the highest standards of meeting and exceeding workforce requirements to not only get the work done, but get it done safely, efficiently and on schedule. We take pride in being a trusted and reliable partner you can turn to during shutdowns and TA work. We are ready to perform repairs, replacements, upgrades and new construction around the clock while all or part of your facility is shutdown. Our business depends on your business meeting production goals, so with this in mind, we take pride and ownership in maximizing the efficiency of your turn arounds to meet production goals. Let us know how we can keep things moving.
4858 Sunrise Drive
Martinez, CA 94553
CA Lic. 662756
NV LIC. 088516
We look forward to supporting your current and future construction projects and service needs.
– Paul Sonnikson
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